Correction of many typos and errors in the text. You will visit Trudograd’s Hydro-Electric Plant which produces power for the city, as well as a desolate village not yet swallowed by the metropolis. Correction of pop-up messages for a number of characters. The rules are still the same there a classic turn-based battle with action points that. Fixed the work of the counter of killed characters I first asked the authors why Trudograd, but not ATOM RPG 2. Fixed the mechanics of a number of skills. Fixed the logic of movement and location of a number of characters. This prompts the man to head back to the. Speak to the man and offer your sympathies while asking how you can help. Fixed the behavior of Lydia Nechaeva when attacking her son Obtained: Speak to a man in a light blue jacket arguing outside the parking lot. Trudograd is a stand-alone story expansion to Atom RPG - a turn-based roleplaying game set in post-apocalyptic Soviet Union.
A number of fixes for the quest "Not a child's game".A duplicate note was removed from Shcherbetov's desk.But in Atom RPG: Trudograd, the surviving remnants of humanity must face an all new extinction level event. The quest to find tellurium is now correctly ending if the blanks are stolen, rather than bought Atom RPG: Trudograd Enters Early Access in May Nuclear apocalypse has served many a game as a way to set the stage for a grim narrative.Fixed the logic in the plot branch where you buy yourself the way to the Seventh Heaven.Fixed a bug due to which Senya Markov "revived" after death.In ATOM RPG: Trudograd your goal is to travel to a giant post-apocalyptic. The developers have mentioned thoroughly studying players’ feedback and ideas for the betterment of the game.
Fixed a bug in the mission "Villainous Brothers" Trudograd is a whole lot easier than ATOM, but playing a fresh character versus an imported one will still mean you're short on skills and options in a narrative-heavy game.And so this guide will. Following the release of update 1.032, the developers from AtomTeam have taken to Steam to share their plans for the next update to ATOM RPG Trudograd.
The transition to the Seventh Heaven no longer causes a critical error in rare situations. Fixed a bug that caused the console in the inventory. Please stay tuned! As for now, here’s the changelog: Next time, we will share more information on our plans for Trudograd, which are already set in motion. ATOM RPG TRUDOGRAD SWITCH FULL
Today we present to you a very special patch, which contains not only several very important bug fixes and typo fixes you helped us discover in the game, but also the full Simplified Chinese translation we have promised!