You can use screen mirroring for that of course, but it’s not as full featured. Keynote offers this feature over an HDMI connection but Powerpoint does not. Meanwhile, the UltraFine 4K external monitor connected via USB-C offers just what you want the audience to see. You can see the next slide early, or your notes. Keynote and Powerpointīoth Apple Keynote and Microsoft Powerpoint offer presentation mode in which the iPad shows more than just the slides. My tests found that this works just as well over an HDMI connection as to does with the LG UltraFine 4K and USB-C. Incidentally, Apple loves this trick so keep your eyes open for Procreate in iPad marketing materials. After a brief adjustment period this becomes a very natural way to draw or paint. This isn’t simple screen mirroring because the external monitor shows the art uncluttered by controls. The digital illustration application Procreate lets artists work on the iPad and see the result on the bigger display. The CBS app doesn’t, so this is a mixed bag. I tested a few, and Amazon Prime Video does, and the same is true of VLC. Some other applications also support playing full-screen video on external monitors, through either USB-C or HDMI. This also works with over an HDMI connection. The UltraFine 4K’s 23.7-inch screen is hardly IMAX, but it’s much better than an 11- or even 12.9-inch display for your favorite TV shows. Movies and TV shows purchased through iTunes played via the iPadOS TV app appear full-screen on the larger external display, with the iPad Pro acting as a sort of touchscreen remote.

These can go straight from the external device to iCloud Drive now, or to an image-editing application. As a side note, iPadOS 13 brings much greater control over importing images from cameras.