_ Meandering Pattern 433 MHz Antennas for Ingestible Capsules In an effort to make the navigation of robots collision-free, a deep reinforcement model is effectively employed, which handles a potentially large and time-varying number of nearby, decision-making agents with a single learned policy. Michael Everett, Yu Fan Chen, Jonathan P. _ Collision Avoidance in Pedestrian-Rich Environments With Deep Reinforcement Learning Zohauddin Ahmad, Yan-Min Liao, Sheng-I Kuo, You-Chia Chang, Rui-Lin Chao, Naseem, Yi-Shan Lee, Yung-Jr Hung, Huang-Ming Chen, Jyehong Chen, Jiun-In Guo, Jin-Wei ShiĪ novel top-illuminated InGaAs-based avalanche photodiode with high-power and high-responsivity is proposed here for multiple benefits in self-heterodyne frequency-modulated continuous wave Lidar system applications. _ High-Power and High-Responsivity Avalanche Photodiodes for Self-Heterodyne FMCW Lidar System Applications

The architecture keeps the majority of its reflection matrix elements passive while nearly eliminating the training overhead required for the passive elements. This paper presents a novel architecture for large intelligent surfaces by leveraging compressive sensing and deep learning tools.

Editors’ Top Selections – IEEE Access Articles Published in 2021 Enabling Large Intelligent Surfaces With Compressive Sensing and Deep LearningĪbdelrahman Taha, Muhammad Alrabeiah, Ahmed Alkhateeb