World of warcraft mac .exe#
exe files while the addon will work on a Mac, the. Some Addon authors like to package their products as self-extracting/installing.
World of warcraft mac mac os x#
zip files (which can be opened with Mac OS X built-in software). This will allow multiple machines to have the same UI, shared through a cloud service. For users that play on different machines, it can be beneficial to move the Interface/AddOns and Interface/WTF folder to an online cloud service, such as DropBox with a symbolic link in the original Applications/Warcraft. Copy the World of Warcraft/WTF/ folder too and you'll get all your macros, chat window settings, and addon saved data, too.). (Switching? You can copy that entire folder from a Windows box to get all your addons onto your new Mac. Simply place an addon in your World of Warcraft/Interface/AddOns/ folder and restart WoW. In fact, all UI Addons are built on an XML/Lua scripting system built into WoW and cannot contain native code, so they will run on any platform World of Warcraft runs on -Windows or Mac. Users are sometimes unsure if Macs are able to make use of User Interface Addons. Mac OS 10.6 support dropped also since the minimum requirement is 10.7.4, but it has not been officially announced.Mac OS 10.5 will no longer be supported as of the systems pre-patch (patch before the expansion releases).Mac OS 10.9.5 will no longer be supported as of the systems pre-patch (patch before the expansion releases).
World of warcraft mac update#
This update indicated the removal of PowerPC support from World of Warcraft. Shortly before the release of Cataclysm patch 4.0.1 was released in which PowerPC processor based Macs were no longer supported. PowerPC hardware is no longer supported by Blizzard for World of Warcraft.

This is an article about World of Warcraft functionality on Macs. 11.7 Two screens & secondary screen WoW window max.

1.6 Systems pre-patch for Mists of Pandaria.